Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Acne Treatment using Laser

More and more people with acne problems are turning to lasers to get rid of their acne problems instead of traditional antibiotics. It’s just the latest use that dermatologists have for lasers, added to such skin conditions as wrinkles and birthmark removal.
Laser acne treatment is a generally painless procedure. Varying lasers, in both intensity and wavelength, are used to reduce the redness around the skin located near acne lesions and also to recontour the scar tissue. There are different laser types, and what laser type to use is determined by what the laser needs to accomplish. Carbon dioxide lasers are high strength devices that are used to get rid of the tissue. People who have this treatment might have redness on their bodies for several months after the process.
There are several types of methods that are used to improve acne with lasers. These methods include using a chemical that causes the follicles and oil glands to become sensitive to light, and applying lamps or lasers like the Intense Pulsed Light, and another method is to use an infrared laser–while cooling the skin down–to aim at the production of oil glands, a major component to acne starting up.
There are a various different factors that help to determine the success of laser acne treatments. The treatment is usually highly successful in eliminating the majority of acne, but people respond differently. Also, a combination approach, using a topical acne medication along with the laser treatment, increases an individual’s chances of getting rid of the acne.
There are also some risks of negative side effects that could result from laser acne treatment. These include a patient not noticing any improvement; darkening of the skin, usually temporary; developing blisters; lightening of the skin, temporary or permanent; and scarring, a rare side effect.

By Isabel Prontes, eHow Editor

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